Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Clean your screen!

Do you wish to clean your dirty screen? Don't know how to do it or just too lazy?
Don't worry now you have got the best way to do it and the best part is you don't have to move an inch. Its all on your finger tips!

Presenting to you: The Screen Cleaning Dog!

Don't believe me? 
Visit the link Screen Clean and get your screen cleaned up too!

How awesome is that!

Coke bottles to replace bulbs!

Were you paying electricity bills too?? Damn it was free!


Friday, June 10, 2011

Ad Ideas, Bad Ideas

Even your dumb television set is wise enough to summarize the ad themes Mr. Corporates have put.
I would call them The 21st Century Ad Themes. Sounds cool, eh? Follow the list!

1.  We can get you the most sizzling, hottest, steamy girl of the universe. (As if we are so goddamn dumb, stupid, ass and illiterate to believe you.)

2. If you use this product and apply it on your body, girls would come in bunches and like would not be able to resist their temptation to touch you, lick you, kiss you and god knows what! (What the fuck do you people want to sell?)

3. Loose your hard earned money just like that. BECAUSE shopping is cool! (Only if i can buy your butt to kick, i will.)

4. If you don't eat pizza, burger or goddamn fried chicken you are not eating delicious, nutritious food and might end up with malnutrition, possible polio! (Shut the fuck up! Ain't that called junk food. What do you think i am stupid?)

5. Because it's made from your mother recipes. (You don't know an iota of my mothers recipes. And don't you dare insult it!)

6. Because diamonds make relationships stronger. (Fuck it if that is what it takes to be in relationship.)

7. Non sense theme. Yes these are particularly everywhere. Have a bunch of hot girls lower their dresses almost trying to hide their *parts* and make them do anything. It doesn't matter what the product it! (Well just enjoy the ad never mind the product! :D)

8. Rest! I am not dumb enough to waste my time writing all the stupid themes. Now go and stare the stupid television yourself for more shit.

Worst Cement Ad...Ever!

Please watch this video. It's so damn sexy!
Winners of the worst cement ad in the history of television.

That's just SUPER! Ain't it? 
By God, i just hope that their cement works!
:D :D

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Best French Fries Art

This picture is probably the best French fries art ever. May be it also shows where you are going and that too very fast.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Accidents Happen

The road sign below probably conveys a lot message than it usually should.
Accidents Happen..

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

It pays to be a super hero

If you were is 80s and if you had a superhero dress, may it it was good in those days, the following picture says so.

The Essence Of Self Help Books

Have you been wondering what all self help books have wanted to teach you??
Roughly 90% of Self Help books contain the same advice repeated over and over. Don’t believe me? Stop by your local bookstore sometime and read the Table of Contents of a dozen or so Self Help books. The advice may be worded differently or geared toward a specific target audience (eg. men, women, various enthnic and social groups), but the underlying message is pretty much always the same. Here’s a list of that advice:
1. You Create Your Own Life
You are not a victim. You are 100% responsible for the life you have right now. If you are unhappy, you have the power to change your attitude and actions to begin making your life better. Always remember, whether you think life sucks or you think life is great, either way, you’re right.

2. You Make Yourself Feel The Way You Feel
Ever notice how some people are able to brush off insults, while others get furious and start throwing punches? Realize that nobody can “make” you feel anything. You are the one that “chooses” to feel good or bad about a particular event or action that occurs.

3. Fake It Until You Make It
If you want to be more confident, happy, or positive, then “pretend” that you already are this way. Eventually, after practicing this long enough, you’ll realize that you’re no longer “pretending”.

4. Follow Your Purpose
A purpose is what you enjoy doing that you never get tired of and you will do for the rest of your life. Is your purpose to write screenplays? Is it to help sick people? Write down on index cards a list of purposes and choose the one that speaks to you the most.

5. Set Goals And Schedule Your Day
List out 5 to 10 goals that you want for your life. Break each goal up into smaller sub-goals and then break those sub-goals into individual tasks and action steps. Every night, plan the next day in advance. Create a daily “to-do list” with those tasks that you need to do to accomplish your goal.

Facts to know about Mastrubation

Yes! There are a lot of things that you didn't know about your daily activities.
Though I can not verify the below data in any ways, but there are few interesting things that you will come to know about Mastrubation. Here are some facts.

A place you want to be

There are many places you will keep wondering when will you go to, The below picture is one such placing giving same thoughts to me..

Don't you want to be there too?

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Can you beat this guy?

This guy should be hired as professional camera tester.
Now Prove yourself you can go this far! Can you?

Saturday, May 7, 2011

The Judgement Day Donation!

According to Bible the world is ending on 21 October 2011 and 21 May is the Judgment day.
The institution of religion is cashing in, doesn't matter the world might be ending but sure you can still donate!!
What propaganda!

This comes from Family Radio
How STUPID is that?

The Urban Yoga For Youngsters

Either you are having a bad morning, or if you have had a wasted night. Urban Yoga is here for you to practice, anywhere anytime. Check the images for demo.

The Art of BreastFeeding

Some times its difficult for the New Moms to learn exactly how to breastfeed. I can't demonstrate for them exactly how to do it. But here is an image to show how not to do it.
Probably You won't realize anything until you notice the legs of baby hanging out of her sweatshirt. :D
But all you ladies who were searching for real, I will not disappoint you Click Here for a good tutorial on breastfeeding.

Whats better than Boyfriend?

All you single ladies who question what is better than a boyfriend, here is the answer finally.
If you are a single lady and avoiding relations or not able to find a boyfriend try this highly recommended but on your own risk. And for you girls who have got over a relation recently, don't be sad try the break up recovery kit :P

The Break Up Recovery Kit

Just had a break up and still have wet pillows? Not able to get over your Ex?
Presenting to you something that your local doctor or Hakim Usmani can't.
Break Up Recovery Kit!!!
Buy one and say bye bye to your money and may be you'll get over your Ex later.

And if in mean time you get serious about buying this stuff visit here. And buy on your own risk because they don't make recovery kits for money loss yet :D
And How STUPID is that?

Friday, May 6, 2011

10 Myths and Facts about Introverts.

Myth #1 – Introverts don’t like to talk.
This is not true. Introverts just don’t talk unless they have something to say. They hate small talk. Get an introvert talking about something they are interested in, and they won’t shut up for days.
Myth #2 – Introverts are shy.
Shyness has nothing to do with being an Introvert. Introverts are not necessarily afraid of people. What they need is a reason to interact. They don’t interact for the sake of interacting. If you want to talk to an Introvert, just start talking. Don’t worry about being polite.
Myth #3 – Introverts are rude.
Introverts often don’t see a reason for beating around the bush with social pleasantries. They want everyone to just be real and honest. Unfortunately, this is not acceptable in most settings, so Introverts can feel a lot of pressure to fit in, which they find exhausting.
Myth #4 – Introverts don’t like people.
On the contrary, Introverts intensely value the few friends they have. They can count their close friends on one hand. If you are lucky enough for an introvert to consider you a friend, you probably have a loyal ally for life. Once you have earned their respect as being a person of substance, you’re in.
Myth #5 – Introverts don’t like to go out in public.
Nonsense. Introverts just don’t like to go out in public FOR AS LONG. They also like to avoid the complications that are involved in public activities. They take in data and experiences very quickly, and as a result, don’t need to be there for long to “get it.” They’re ready to go home, recharge, and process it all. In fact, recharging is absolutely crucial for Introverts.
Myth #6 – Introverts always want to be alone.
Introverts are perfectly comfortable with their own thoughts. They think a lot. They daydream. They like to have problems to work on, puzzles to solve. But they can also get incredibly lonely if they don’t have anyone to share their discoveries with. They crave an authentic and sincere connection with ONE PERSON at a time.
Myth #7 – Introverts are weird.
Introverts are often individualists. They don’t follow the crowd. They’d prefer to be valued for their novel ways of living. They think for themselves and because of that, they often challenge the norm. They don’t make most decisions based on what is popular or trendy.
Myth #8 – Introverts are aloof nerds.
Introverts are people who primarily look inward, paying close attention to their thoughts and emotions. It’s not that they are incapable of paying attention to what is going on around them, it’s just that their inner world is much more stimulating and rewarding to them.
Myth #9 – Introverts don’t know how to relax and have fun.
Introverts typically relax at home or in nature, not in busy public places. Introverts are not thrill seekers and adrenaline junkies. If there is too much talking and noise going on, they shut down. Their brains are too sensitive to the neurotransmitter called Dopamine. Introverts and Extroverts have different dominant neuro-pathways. Just look it up.
Myth #10 – Introverts can fix themselves and become Extroverts.
A world without Introverts would be a world with few scientists, musicians, artists, poets, filmmakers, doctors, mathematicians, writers, and philosophers. That being said, there are still plenty of techniques an Extrovert can learn in order to interact with Introverts. (Yes, I reversed these two terms on purpose to show you how biased our society is.) Introverts cannot “fix themselves” and deserve respect for their natural temperament and contributions to the human race. In fact, one study (Silverman, 1986) showed that the percentage of Introverts increases with IQ.

As mentioned in the comment: Courtesy of: http://www.carlkingdom.com/10-myths-about-introverts (Thank you for writing a beautiful piece.)

Skype Facebook Look

If rumors are true then Facebook is in talks with Skype to acquire it. If this deal happens then i suppose this is how Skype's new look will be. Yes Skype will be less cool and more spam from now onwards :(
Presenting the Skype Faecebook Look

How STUPID is that?

Who really is corrupt?

A: Yesterday i was drunk and driving and the police man at the road barrier caught me.
B: What did you do?
A: I settled the matter with him for Rs. 800.
B: ...
A: If i make a story and go to the civil societies to register a complain of corruption do you think they will buy it?
B: Considering the image of policemen i think they will but the real question is who really is corrupt?

PS: Btw i do think it's good to pass the law but are they taking all perspectives into consideration? I hope people will not misuse the law.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Sure there are bumps ahead!

Some wise men put up the board there. "Way to IIT. Go Slow!"
I think he wanted to caution us of the bumps we're gonna get in and out of the IIT world.

Wish i had read that much earlier, back in 2006 :P

Monday, April 11, 2011

Do not Argue

If you are in a relation, want to be in a relation, married or about to marry and if you have complains that your partner is not listening to you and you two argue too much. Here is a short lesson for all you guys out there.

Shut up. Don't argue.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Hand book to use

If you are in desperate need for money, i think the following handbook can be of good use to you.

Go get it today.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Poopy Time

Get rid of the disgusting looking poop. I guess its made for the new parents who just hate it. I have no idea what they are coming with to get rid of the smell :D

Now enjoy the poopy time, in the shapes you want :D

Tell your Girl Friend No!

If you ever have a GF, and may be you already do, then at times she might talk about undergoing plastic surgery, now there are good reasons for that, and there are bad ones for it too. If you can afford to pay for it, well and good, but if you don't then you'll need a good excuse for it. Here is one of them :D

Don't let this happen to your Girl Friend.

The Perfect Spot for Your AD!

The Perfect Spot for Your AD!
Na, Google can't find a better place for you if you want to place your ad, you just have to do it yourselves..

How not to chat with your daughter.

Here is a nice tutorial on what not to say while you chat with your daughter, if you have a daughter, and when your daughter grows to be 18+ or even before that :P

MackTrucker2000: Hey there sexy.
Evil_Sarah_Bitch: Do I know you?
MackTrucker2000: Not yet but you should want to.
Evil_Sarah_Bitch: Really?
MackTrucker2000: Yah
MackTrucker2000: Let’s chat.
Evil_Sarah_Bitch: About what?
Evil_Sarah_Bitch: What do you want to chat about?
MackTrucker2000: Let’s talk about you
MackTrucker2000: what are you wearing right now sugar?
Evil_Sarah_Bitch: Hold on for a minute.
Evil_Sarah_Bitch: ok?
MackTrucker2000: k
MackTrucker2000: What are you doing
MackTrucker2000: heloo. U still there?
Evil_Sarah_Bitch: I’m back.
Evil_Sarah_Bitch: So what were we talking about?
MackTrucker2000: you were going to tell me what you were wearing.
Evil_Sarah_Bitch: Not much. I’m just getting ready for bed.
MackTrucker2000: mmmmmmm. I like that.
Evil_Sarah_Bitch: I’m over at my friend’s house.
MackTrucker2000: Tell me.
Evil_Sarah_Bitch: Tell you what?
MackTrucker2000: tell me what you have on
Evil_Sarah_Bitch: No. You tell me what you have on.
MackTrucker2000: I’m wearing a pair of jeans and that’s all.
Evil_Sarah_Bitch: Gross. Is your big fat stomach hanging over them?
MackTrucker2000: No sugar. Im very good shape. Work out every day.
MackTrucker2000: have six pack.
Evil_Sarah_Bitch: Lol. Me and my friend Laura are drinking a six pack right now!
MackTrucker2000: I like that. Come on baby tell me
Evil_Sarah_Bitch: Ok. I have on a pair of underwear, and Laura’s Superman t-shirt.
MackTrucker2000: Is that all?
Evil_Sarah_Bitch: Yep.
MackTrucker2000: Is the t-shirt tight?
Evil_Sarah_Bitch: Yeah. It’s skin tight.
MackTrucker2000: no bra?
Evil_Sarah_Bitch: Nope. I never sleep in a bra.
Evil_Sarah_Bitch: It’s too constricting.
MackTrucker2000: mmmmm. I like that.
MackTrucker2000: tell me more
Evil_Sarah_Bitch: You like to wear a bra to sleep?
Evil_Sarah_Bitch: That’s weird.
MackTrucker2000: lmfao. No i like that you don’t wear one.
MackTrucker2000: I want to slide my hand up your shirt.
Evil_Sarah_Bitch: Really?
MackTrucker2000: mmmmmm.. yeah.
Evil_Sarah_Bitch: Well maybe we should get to know each other a little bit better first.
MackTrucker2000: what for.
Evil_Sarah_Bitch: What’s your name?
MackTrucker2000: Chuck
Evil_Sarah_Bitch: My name is Sarah
MackTrucker2000: Hahah. Yeah that’s what I figured
MackTrucker2000: so do you like to suck cock sarah
Evil_Sarah_Bitch: Wow. You really like to get right to it don’t you?
Evil_Sarah_Bitch: What’s your last name, Chuck?
MackTrucker2000: Why do you want it
Evil_Sarah_Bitch: I’m just trying to get to know you, that’s all
MackTrucker2000: Well I don’t want to know you that well.
MackTrucker2000: I just want to have a good time
Evil_Sarah_Bitch: Ok. Sorry.
Evil_Sarah_Bitch: I didn’t mean to freak you out.
Evil_Sarah_Bitch: Where are you from?
MackTrucker2000: MD
Evil_Sarah_Bitch: Really? Me too!
MackTrucker2000: No your not your from San Diego.
Evil_Sarah_Bitch: How do you know that?
MackTrucker2000: cause it says it on your profile page
Evil_Sarah_Bitch: No, I just put that there to throw people off.
Evil_Sarah_Bitch: You really have to be careful who you talk to on these things.
Evil_Sarah_Bitch: I really live in Maryland and I’m really only 18.
Evil_Sarah_Bitch: I still live at home with my Mom and Dad.
Evil_Sarah_Bitch: Where in Maryland are you?
Evil_Sarah_Bitch: I’m in Baltimore.
MackTrucker2000: Im in Manchester
Evil_Sarah_Bitch: No way!
Evil_Sarah_Bitch: Get out of here!
Evil_Sarah_Bitch: I live in Manchester too!
Evil_Sarah_Bitch: I didn’t want to say Manchester because I didn’t think you would know where it is.
MackTrucker2000: Don’t lie, sugar. Lets f***
Evil_Sarah_Bitch: Seriously! I’m not lying.
MackTrucker2000: Ok lets talk about my big cock in your mouth
Evil_Sarah_Bitch: Wait a second.
Evil_Sarah_Bitch: Let’s talk more about you.
MackTrucker2000: don’t want to talk about me
Evil_Sarah_Bitch: Gosh, you’re so secretive.
MackTrucker2000: take your panties off sugar.
Evil_Sarah_Bitch: Ok.
Evil_Sarah_Bitch: But first you have to tell me where in Manchester you live.
Evil_Sarah_Bitch: Come on. I’ll tell you.
Evil_Sarah_Bitch: Maybe we already know each other.
MackTrucker2000: doubt it.
Evil_Sarah_Bitch: You’re so funny
Evil_Sarah_Bitch: My Dad calls me sugar all the time.
Evil_Sarah_Bitch: I live right near Grace Bible church.
Evil_Sarah_Bitch: Do you have a picture that I can see?
MackTrucker2000: check my profile
Evil_Sarah_Bitch: Oh. Ok. Hold on.
Evil_Sarah_Bitch: OMG. Dad, this is Chrissy.
Evil_Sarah_Bitch: It’s me, Chrissy.
Evil_Sarah_Bitch: Your daughter? Duhhh. Hello?
MackTrucker2000: shut up whore. I don’t have any daughters.
Evil_Sarah_Bitch: Dad, I’m serious. This is really Chrissy.
MackTrucker2000: whats your last name then
Evil_Sarah_Bitch: It’s Bolchezk, same as yours.
Evil_Sarah_Bitch: Evil_Sarah is just my made up name online, Dad.
Evil_Sarah_Bitch: I’m over here at Laura’s house. remember?
Evil_Sarah_Bitch: Spending the night?
Evil_Sarah_Bitch: Hello?
Evil_Sarah_Bitch: Dad, are you there?
Evil_Sarah_Bitch: You’re disgusting.
Evil_Sarah_Bitch: I hate you.
Evil_Sarah_Bitch: I’m going to tell Mom about this.
MackTrucker2000: quit trying to mess with me
Evil_Sarah_Bitch: Dad, I’m not kidding.
Evil_Sarah_Bitch: It’s Chrissy. Our phone number is 410-374-****!
Evil_Sarah_Bitch: We live at **** Charmil Drive, right by Grace Bible Church.
Evil_Sarah_Bitch: Dad?
Evil_Sarah_Bitch: Answer me.
MackTrucker2000: <>

So the first thing you need to do is know your daughter's social network id. Second, make sure it is her. Third, keep the hell out of there.. :D

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Brain Bulb!

You must have seen comic books where an idea is preceded by a glowing bulb. Well that's not only the comic stuff anymore.
The joke is getting real :D

Bulb off! No ideas?

Bulb on!

Did you get any ideas?? I don't think it works like comic books :P

Monday, March 21, 2011

Funny names!

Check out this funny name from a list of students attending some counseling.
I just don't understand what kind of people keep such names :D

How Weird is that?

Orkut profile of a lady

I am always curious what people what in the about me section but this one just got me shocked!
How STUPID is that?

One of best spam mails!

My resume was selected and i was happy to get placed in Skoda with great salary and benefits but wait a minute, when did i apply for it!??

Friday, March 18, 2011

Work Ethics: Interesting Facts!

Attitudes Toward Work During the Classical Period:

Rose stated that the Hebrew belief system viewed work as a "curse devised by God explicitly to punish the disobedience and ingratitude of Adam and Eve" (1985, p. 28).

The Greeks, like the Hebrews, also regarded work as a curse (Maywood, 1982). According to Tilgher (1930), the Greek word for work was ponos, taken from the Latin poena, which meant sorrow. Manual labor was for slaves.

Mental labor was also considered to be work and was denounced by the Greeks. The mechanical arts were deplored because they required a person to use practical thinking, "brutalizing the mind till it was unfit for thinking of truth" (Tilgher, 1930, p. 4). Skilled crafts were accepted and recognized as having some social value, but were not regarded as much better than work appropriate for slaves. Hard work, whether due to economic need or under the orders of a master, was disdained.

Aristotle viewed work as a corrupt waste of time that would make a citizen's pursuit of virtue more difficult (Anthony, 1977).

Braude described Greek belief that a person who worked, when there was no need to do so, would run the risk of obliterating the distinction between slave and master.

For the Romans, work was to be done by slaves, and only two occupations were suitable for a free man--agriculture and big business (Maywood, 1982). Any pursuit of handicrafts or the hiring out of a person's arms was considered to be vulgar, dishonoring, and beneath the dignity of a Roman citizen.
I believe i still belong to the belief systems of the Classical Period :)

Read the complete article here History of Work Ethic and thank Mr. Roger B. Hill

Worst Chocolate Ads

I really can't understand what they were thinking while making this ad.
But one thing is sure i literally will never be able to buy this chocolate, this ad just gives me the 'yuck!' feeling.

Here is Cadbury Dairy Milk Silk!

How STUPID and WEIRD is that!?

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Contra vs Tetris

Its not the contra neither the tetris, its the dragon of mario that does the game :D

Whack Your Boss!

Do you want to whack your boss too?

Did you have a hard time meeting deadlines and the boss was bully on you for small mistakes that don't even matter?
Or worse did he try to desperately find and pin point your mistakes in front of everyone?
Does your boss make you look yourself with low self esteem?

Here is for all those who hate their bosses. Whack your boss!

Go to the link and click on the ENTER on the page.

Send Insults!

Often we cross times in life when we want to yell at that stupid dumbass but have no idea what to say.
Have it happened with you as well? Do you find lack of innovation when it comes to blabbering offensive stuff?
Don't worry then there is a cool way to do all this business and you can even directly send insults if you prefer digital abuse war over conventional filthy quarrels.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The Perfect Word!

There is a man who loves the art of vocabulary!! What do you think is the perfect word?

The Good Old Days.

Remember the good old days when all you wanted to know was told just by the parrot, and he could decide your future??

Best of two worlds.

The lord has spoken..

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

No We are not.....

If ever i have come across a girl who goes on blaming guys that how their friends got cheated and how some guy dumped some girl, and how guys are just jerks, I've always tried my best to defend the guys position. I've had so many of my friends getting cheated/used by girls, and got dumped later..
Enough said already...
It's world of equals.. :P

HR Notice...

Working can be stress and all you guys working won't like this either... But sometimes extreme step has to be taken.. Guess this notice below explains it all..

Monday, February 21, 2011

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Trace Your Girlfriend!

I was tying to call a friend who was out for a weekend trip but the cell phone was out of the coverage area. I tried to call her friends but again no hope and it got me a little worried.

I thought a while and started looking for technological solutions to solve my problem.
If not call, i just wanted to know where she is right now? Whether she has reached the place safely?
And guess WHAT!!!?
I got this awesome website which can track any phone number on the earth.
I know a lot of you must also be insecure with your girlfriends/boyfriends and would want to know whether s/he is cheating or not. This is the perfect tool for you!
Click on the photograph below to trace the phone number!

How COOL is that? :P :D

The Equation

I would put it as simple as, "The Equation of Attraction"

Hence Proved... :D

A Dad like that...

Not just you and me, My opinion is, every kid would want a "Dad like This"
What do you say?

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

You'll need this...

If you have decided to get married or are married you will need this once in a while.. If you are in the process or have a girlfriend, make sure you have this in your facebook albums. Or else, get a poster printed out of it and hand it some place at home which is readily in visible area..

Monday, February 14, 2011

Michael Jackson was murdered .. the proof..

This is a special video where Michael Jackson's ghost says he was murdered, watch carefully :-

One reason why i keep away from indian movies...

The fact that Indian movies are awesome can only be explained by the following video..

Now this is what i call a warning..

I guess this strictly means guys are not allowed..

Are you happy?

I know its hard being single and happy..
If you are single and happy, lucky you..
If not try this...
If it works for you, do tell me.

Damn, who says girls are good creatures?

I have heard a lot of stories where girls always get to be good.
But the harsh reality is that, they are selfish and mean, and at times much more than guys are. Do you remember the head-butt of Zidane in FIFA finals??

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Religions Made Easy!

This is one of the best titles i have seen in a long long time...continuing to the series of blab blab for idiots there's a really useful book i've found.
Guide to choose a religion!!

Mind the quotes at the end of the cover page :D :D

What's in the Freud's Mind?

I was looking for some pretty funny stuff when my eyes passed through
"Do you want to know what's in the Freud's mind?"

I said "Why not?"

As soon as i clicked the link there was a watch with pervert Freud in the center
thinking about his mom, id and sex and i was like "Hell no this isn't what i thought!"

For all of you who don't know Freud is the Father of modern Psychology and
the father of pretty sick experiments and thoughts as well.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

This is what i call Business

Hosted by imgur.com

Cute Dog

Now, I had 2 posts full of sarcasm today, so lets have something light.
This Dog will make your day.

Valentine's Day is Coming

I know Valentine's day can be tough for you guys in relation out there, Deciding over gifts, Flowers, Dinner, Chocolates, Bla Bla Bla.
But prepare for the worst.. Here is what i mean,
I am just trying to make you aware :D

Its never too late to learn.

I understand it can be hard to be starring at the wall in a urinal.
But at times you can find people looking around, here is a proper guide for the stupids:-
Handy, ain't it??

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Weird Smoking Pose!

The last bum on birthday!
A very wrong time to have a smoke!

:P :D